Information Accuracy:

We do not accept liability, to the fullest extent permitted by law, for the accuracy of information on our Product pages or website, which may occasionally contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. However, this provision does not impact your statutory rights and remedies.

Delivery Commitment:

We make every reasonable effort to adhere to the specified delivery times. For detailed information regarding delivery timescales, please refer to our Delivery Policy page.

Order Processing:

Once we receive your payment, we will process and ship your order within 1 to 3 business days.

Entire Agreement:

These terms and conditions constitute the entire agreement governing your purchase, inclusive of our website prices and contact information. Any modifications to these terms must be made in writing and signed by an employee, agent, or Director of Azalea.

Credit Card Security:

Secure Payment:

Azalea utilizes the PayPal or EFT system to safeguard your credit card information and does not disclose it to any other organization. You can place orders securely on our server. Any losses incurred due to the transmission of personal information via email or internet links are solely your responsibility.


Privacy Policy Updates:

Azalea is committed to providing you with a safe and secure shopping experience. As technology and offerings evolve, we reserve the right to change, modify, add, or remove sections of our Privacy Policy without prior notice. In the event of substantial policy changes, we will notify our customers via email. We recommend periodically reviewing our Privacy Policy for any updates. For questions or clarifications, please contact

Privacy Guarantee:

Personal Information Protection:

We will not rent or sell your name, address, email address, credit card information, or personal data to any third party without your explicit consent. If you have made a purchase, subscribed to our newsletters, participated in our competitions, or provided your contact information, we may occasionally update you on news and special opportunities via email.

Communication & Marketing:

Consent for Communication:

By becoming a member of Azalea and providing your email, postal address, and telephone number, you consent to receiving communication from us regarding our latest products and special offers. Our emails pertain to your Azalea membership and the products and services we believe may be of interest to you.

Out of Stock Items:

Product Availability:

All products are subject to availability. Backordered products are items currently not in stock. In such cases, we will email you with the expected dispatch date. If we determine that a backordered item will no longer be available for any reason, we will promptly notify you via email, cancel the item from your order, and issue a full refund. Alternatively, you may choose an alternative product of equal value.

Price Adjustments:

We retain the right to modify prices to account for factors beyond our control, such as currency fluctuations.

Limitation of Liability:

We, along with our employees and agents, will not be held liable for any loss or damage unless: (a) A breach of duty of care is established. (b) The loss or damage is a reasonably foreseeable consequence of such a breach. (c) Your breach of these terms and conditions contributes to an increase in loss or damage. (d) The loss or damage pertains to business or non-consumer contexts, including lost data, profits, and business interruptions.

Please review and acknowledge these terms and conditions before engaging with our services.